Concrete Foundations

Make your building strong from the ground up

Concrete is known for being a friendly resource, from raw materials to demolition. The foundation to a building or home is key to making it last, which is why selecting a concrete foundation is an easy choice for business or home owners. Without a roperly executed concrete foundation, you may stumble upon problems later on. Repairing the concrete foundation will cost time and money, not to mention becoming a huge inconvenience if it’s your home or place of business.

Concrete is a solid choice for a foundation for several reasons. First off, the materials used to make concrete are completely eco-friendly, such as limestone, fly ash and slag cement. Concrete foundations create structures that will not burn, rot or rust throughout the years, making the life span much longer than alternative foundation options. This is one of the main reasons concrete foundations are selected.

The perks don’t stop there. Home and business owners see the benefit of concrete foundations, walls and floors in their utility expenses. By having concrete utilized throughout a building, you will notice savings in your heating and cooling bills. Also, a lot of owners like that concrete can be produced on demand, in any quantity. It saves them money by only purchasing what they need to complete a job versus buying in bulk and having to retain any unused materials.

The foundation of a structure is critical to making it last and for everything else to fall into place correctly. Let Complete Concrete show you why business owners and residents choose us for all of their concrete foundation’s needs, including repair.

About Us

Complete Concrete is a local company specializing in residential and commercial construction and excavation for over 35 years and is still growing strong. The Owner, Ken Gunnels, received his degree in Civil Engineering which progressed into starting and operating his own business within concrete and excavation work.

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